Taliah Waajid Kinky, Wavy, Natural Easy Herbal Comb Out 8oz
Green Tea and Sage Formula
Conditions, Moisturizes and Softens on Contact
Add’s Nutrients for Stronger, Healthier Hair.
Let me show you how to comb and manage your child’s
Kinky, Wavy Natural Hair.
I am Taliah Waajid. I am a mother with two children who have healthy,
beautiful, Kinky, Wavy, Natural Hair. I am a Natural Hair Care Expert and
hair educator for over 25 years. Hair combing sessions will be easy for you
and pleasant for your child once you use my Kinky, Wavy, Natural products.
Kinky, Wavy, Natural products are moisture-based and are guarantee to make
your child’s hair more manageable. Try Kinky, Wavy, Natural and follow the
instructions for managing your child’s hair. You will be pleased with how easy
combing and styling your child’s hair will become from using
Kinky, Wavy, Natural products.